You’ve worked too hard to let a DIY logo get in the way of success. Sure, it’s gotten you this far, but when you think of great companies that last, they all have one thing in common - a story that connects them to their customer.
Prada. Gucci. Chanel. They don’t just sell purses and clothes - they sell luxury and status. Walgreens doesn’t just sell pharmaceuticals because they also sell happiness and health. The story matters because it helps you relate feelings to products or stores.
Let us help you hone that story into something epic, unforgettable, and, of course, relatable.
I love designing - truly. Digging into the heart of the business to find that sweet spot of what is unique and special is exciting because the story is never the same.
That’s why the branding is so important. It is the looking glass into what makes the business so wonderful.
I don’t get to just draw pictures and curate fonts. I bring a story to life through colors, logos, product packaging, and whatever else your business needs.
Take a look through all the things we offer to curate the perfect package to create the visual identity of your business.
It’s one of the quotes I constantly reminded myself of as I took the leap to start my business. That and just keep swimming.
But my life isn’t just about my job. I am also a mother, wife, and avid coffee lover. You can always find me with an iced mocha latte (yes, even in the dead of winter). Our little family can be found in a small town in south Alabama where we might be found saying Roll Tide just a little too much.
On our small slice of land, Mr. Darcy can be found swimming in the creek and barking at squirrels - we did name our dog Mr. Darcy, and we don’t have a grown man running around barking at woodland creatures.
Me and my husband have created the life we wanted, and that’s what I want for you. Getting the right visual identity for your business is one of the ways to start - and the rest will follow.